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Install Qt on a Mac with Xcode or QtCreator

Date de publication : 07 february 2009 , Date de mise à jour : 13 february 2009

IV. Your first compilation with Xcode

IV. Your first compilation with Xcode

Xcode icon
The source file is identical to the one in the previous chapter. We'll start from III-B and enter the following commands :
qmake -project to create the project file (by dfault
qmake -spec macx-xcode to create Xcode project file (01_test.xcodeproj)
Then we launch Xcode project file and .. tada ! :

Qt's integration to Xcode, automplete works
Qt's integration to Xcode, automplete works
info The integration is not perfect, the project file is not automatically handled so, when you'll add files to the project, you'll have to regenerate the .pro file.
Anyway, sooner or later you'll have to manually edit the .pro file, so it's better to get used to that. However, you can still add an external target and specify the use of qmake with "Custom build command" and changing target dependencies.
This tutorial will be updated asap with this trick.
Click "Build and Go" and that's it !


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